The Africa report
So, for those of you not following us on Facebook Aimee, myself and Aiki, our daughter, spent 12 days in Harare, Zimbabwe, teaching our main martial art, Aiki Jutsu, which we are both 4th Dan black belts in.
We had a few issues getting there due to a missed flight and luggage was a few days behind, but that made it more fun and eventful.
We were teaching two hours in the morning and two in the evening with one of our 8th Dan instructors. Aimee was also asked to teach a special junior and ladies class and it was so well received she did two more sessions.
The aim of us going was to build relations and so that we would become the new generation of instructors giving our time for free to go and teach.
All the students were so happy for us to be there and we kind of got treated as celebrities even though we are just ordinary people doing martial arts. We also graded some of the students while we were there.
We did not expect to be taken out to dinner a few times or be given some wonderful gifts.
Our daughter had an amazing time running about and getting to know everyone and she enjoyed our day out to a game park to see all the animals.
We have already started plans to return next year and some of our future ASF semniars will now be funding work in Africa to help them build up their martial art venues and to try and get more females involved.
This was an amazing experience and if you would like to know more why not pop along to a class and ask us.