Lil’ Dragons (age 4-6)


Time: 5:20 – 5:50pm Friday night
Venue: Brackenbury Sports Centre, Felixstowe
Price: First one is free, Then £5 a class. £10 a year membership, which Includes free insurance.

Children can start aged 4 and then progress into the next class if they wish at aged 6.

What they will be doing.
Safety skills covering First Aid, Fire Safety and Stranger Awareness.
Life skills covering cooperation, memory, and balance.
Martial Arts covering the basic, blocks, rolls, punches and kicks.
(There will be no form of sparring/fighting)

After a child completes 8 weeks they will be awarded a star.
If they stay the course they will eventually get to their black star and be award a certificate at each level they achieve.

What to Wear
To begin with trainers, track suit bottoms and a t-shirt.
Then if they would like a lil dragon suit they are £25.
We realise they grow quickly so you can just go with a plain suit at £10 – £15 (depends on size and postage)


Lil’ Dragons is far more than a kicking and punching programme and it will teach Focus, Discipline, Fitness, Coordination and so much more.

Aimee and I are really excited about these classes as we have put a lot of work into them. We hope your child will benefit from training with us and take the skills they learn at this young age into their future.

We have limited space so please contact us in advance.